Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New York Times

Hello again everybody welcome into Brock's bubble...

I havnt posted in a little while so theres a couple things that havnt been posted yet!! Im sure your all just so excited to continue reading.....................................



Alright starting with Saturday! As you all know (that is... those of you who reading these things we call blogs) the youth group had a trip to Lighthouse Baptist Church. Everything was great. We arrived there around...12:30?? I think lol. We started off by having this absolutely hilarious preacher. His name was Johny Pope if I remember right. He was a preacher from Texas... he has been in the ministry for around 30-40 years. What a stunning experience it was to be able to listen to him preach, he had such a good balance between being funny and being dead serious. After the preaching ended we went straight into doing competitions. I have to admit I was extremely nervous! I think being nervous is a good thing because in total... with Randy (sorry for miss spellings)
he got a 1st place for vocals. We also got a 2nd in Large group anssemble(sp) and Zach and I got a 2nd in instrumental duet. We did verrrrryyyy well as a whole youth group. I must say we all were super proud to call Pastor Watkins our pastor after he preformed his magic tricks and ventriloquism. Of course we were proud to call him our pastor before the act but yeah... he was great!

So that's a heads up on what happened Saturday....

I don't think anything major has happened other than that... I had school today! Not that I don't usually..... ^_^


Rebekah said...

Hi Brock! I was really blessed by being able to go along with the group on Sat. I'm not sure if you know that I used to attend Calvary about 3 years ago, so several people in the group are old friends. As for Laurie and Krys, I consider them my sisters -- we met through Calvary, and just started to get to know each other better, and before you know it we were best friends. Randy, poor guy, I used to torment him something terrible -- we used to have singing competitions and I'd always win because he'd start laughing too hard. Jon and I still have a tradition of jumping up and down when we shake hands. Zach, well, Zach can tell you about me in his own words...and some of the other kids probably could too.

Getting more than one link on your profile is really pretty easy. Start from your dashboard, and over on the right side of the screen is the 'Edit Profile' link. Click that, and when it comes up, click 'Select Blogs to Display' (about the fourth thing there). If there isn't more than one option there (and you know you have more than one blog), go into your blog, go into 'Customize' (upper right hand corner, in your blue stripe), click 'Settings', and in 'Basic' tell it to add your blog to Blogger's listings.

If you have any more problems, feel free to ask. I'm the kind of person that is always experimenting, so I will usually know what the problem is. Thanks for the comment! By the way, check out my Daddy's Girl blog (my usual one) if you get a chance. Hey, I'll be at Calvary again on Sunday (visiting for a little while again, although I'm home right now), so I'll see you then.

Rebekah said...

Hey Brock, sorry, I know I said I'd be at Calvary on Sunday, but plans changed and I ended up spending the weekend with Miss Ashleigh (Zach's sister, as I'm sure you know). Sorry about that.